{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}}'''Simhadri Power Station''' is a 1500 2000 megawatt (MW) coal plant located in Andhra Pradesh, India. The plant comprises three four units:<ref name=GEO>[http://globalenergyobservatory.org/form.php?pid=41823 Simhadri Coal Power Station India,] Global Energy Observatory, accessed February 2011</ref>
* Unit 1 - 500 MW - commissioned February 2002
* Unit 2 - 500 MW - commissioned August 2002
* Unit 3 - 500 MW - commissioned March 2011
* Unit 4 - 500 MW - anticipated commissioning March 24, 2012<ref>[http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/proj_mon/broad_status.pdf "Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country"] Government of India Ministry of Power, February 2012.</ref><ref>[http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/monthly/executive_rep/may12/8.pdf ALL INDIA REGIONWISE GENERATING INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) OF POWER UTILITIES INCLUDING ALLOCATED SHARES IN JOINT AND CENTRAL SECTOR UTILITIES,] Central Electricity Authority, May 31, 2012</ref>
==2010: Ash spill==
==2012: Public protests over fly ash pollution==
According to a February 2012 report in The Times of India, the Pollution Control Board (PCB) of Andhra Pradesh issued notices to [[NTPC]] for violating pollution limits and ordered the company to set aside Rs 3 crore as bank guarantee toward welfare measures for the affected people. According to PCB officials, the company was dumping fly ash on nearby areas and also letting it mix into sea water, thereby polluting local fisheries. Repeated protests by citizens brought the problem to public attention. PCB has set up a regional task for for the north coastal and both Godavari districts to monitor pollution.<Ref>[http://bit.ly/wH2aFJ "PCB notice to Simhadri power plant,"] The Times of Inida, February 29, 2012</ref>
==Proposed Expansion==
A fourth unit of 500 MW has been proposed by [[NTPC]]; however, no further details are provided on the company website.<ref>[http://bit.ly/AsI4Ed "Future Capacity Additions,"] NTPC, accessed February 2012</ref>
'''Location:''' Pittavanipalem village, Vishakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh<ref name=GEO/><br>
'''Status:''' Unit 3: commissioned March 2011; Unit 4: Proposedcommissioned March 2012<br>'''Nameplate capacity:''' existing: 1500 2000 MW; proposed: (4 x 500 MW)<br>