{{stub}}{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}}'''Koradi Thermal Power Station''' is a proposed coal plant in Maharashtra, India. ==Location==The map below shows the village of Koradi, but not the exact location of the project: {{#display_point:|21.2478, 79.0984|width=500|height=400|type=normal|zoom=8}} ==Background=='''Koradi Thermal Power Station''' a 1040 megawatt power station owned by [[Maharashtra State Power Generation Company]] (MSPGCL), a Maharashtra government owned company.<ref name="Installed">Maharashtra State Power Generation Company, [http://www.mahagenco.in/INSTALLED-CAPACITY-01.shtm "Installed Capacity"], Maharashtra State Power Generation Company website, accessed November 2011.</ref> The power station is located at Koradi in Nagpur district of Maharashtra state, India.
The existing power station comprises comprising one comprising four 105MW units, one 200MW unit 1 and two 210MW units.<ref name="Installed"/>
MSPGCL states on its website that the addition of 1960MW at the Koradi Thermal Power Station is currently under construction. The expansion would comprise three 600MW units referred to as Units 8, 9 and 10. Unit 8 is projected to be commissioned by December 2013 followed by Unit 9 by June 2014 and Unit 10 by Dec. 2014.<ref>Maharashtra State Power Generation Company, [http://www.mahagenco.in/Ongoing-projects_english.pdf "Information on Mahagenco's Power Projects: Ongoing Thermal Power Projects – 4730 MW"], Maharashtra State Power Generation Company website, August 26, 2011.</ref>
The map below shows the village of Koradi, but not the exact location of the project:
13.09,80.27~Proposed coal plants in Tamil Nadu~Click '''[[:Category:Proposed coal plants in Tamil Nadu|here]]''' for more information.;
26.85,80.91~Proposed coal plants in Uttar Pradesh~Click '''[[:Category:Proposed coal plants in Uttar Pradesh|here]]''' for more information.;
22.57,88.27~Proposed coal plants in West Bengal~Click '''[[:Category:Proposed coal plants in West Bengal|here]]''' for more information.;
===External resources===
===External articles===
[[category:India]] [[category:mining]][[Category: Proposed coal plants in Maharashtra]][[Category: India and coal]][[Category: Proposed coal plants in India]][[Category: Proposed coal plants in Asia]]