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Air Quality Mine

706 bytes added, 00:30, 6 September 2012
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{{#Badges: CoalSwarm}}
'''Air Quality Mine''' is based near Monroe City, Indiana, and is a [[Peabody Energy]] operation. The mine sold 1.9 million tons of coal in 2008 to electricity generating and industrial customers in Indiana and Illinois. The underground mine has approximately 57 million tons of reserves in its Indiana and Springfield seams, and 1. 2 million tons were mined in 2011.<ref>Anna Prior, [ "Peabody Energy to close Indiana mine,"] MarketWatch, Sept. 5, 2012.</ref>. In September 2012, Peabody said it had stopped production at the Air Quality Mine, and will permanently close the mine based on "soft market conditions that make operations uneconomic," including low natural gas prices along with softening prices for steel-making coal due to the economic downturn.<ref>Anna Prior, [ "Peabody Energy to close Indiana mine,"] MarketWatch, Sept. 5, 2012.</ref> ==Mine details==The mine began production in 1993 after construction of a slope entry and preparation plant near Wheatland. Current mining is conducted by five high-performance production units. The raw coal is conveyed via a 19-mile underground conveyor system to the preparation plants for crushing and processing. The Wheatland plant has a feed rate of 850 tons per hour and the South has a feed rate of 550 tons per hour.<ref>[ "Air Quality Mine"] Peabody Energy Website, October 2009</ref>


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