===[[TPP Nikola Tesla Power Plant]]===
On October 20, 2011, EPS said it had signed a preliminary deal with a Chinese consortium to jointly build a 744 megawatt coal-fired unit at an estimated cost of more than 2 billion euros ($2.7 billion). Under the deal, a consortium that includes [[China Environmental Energy Holdings]] and [[Shenzhen Energy]], and EPS, will form a joint venture for the future project in the southwestern town of Obrenovac, part of its [[TPP Nikola Tesla Power Plant]] power complex. An upgrade of the Radeljevo coal mine will feed the plant.<ref>Maja Zuvela, [http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/20/us-serbia-china-power-idUSTRE79J6O420111020 "Serbia, China sign deal for coal plant, mine"] Reuters, Oct. 20, 2011.</ref>
===[[Stavalj Power Station]]===
The [[Stavalj Power Station]] is a proposed 350MW coal-fired power station in Stavalj, Serbia, 250 kilometers (155 miles) south of Belgrade. The station would be fueled by the Štavalj lignite coal deposit, estimated by the Serbia Ministry of Mining and Energy to have 70 million tonnes of coal reserves, sufficient to fuel the plant for 40 years. A pre-feasibility study has been developed for evaluating a new underground coal mine and thermal power plant complex, with the mine having a planned mining rate of 2.3 million tonnes per year of coal.<ref>[http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/Article.aspx?id=0354-98360901165C "New 'Štavalj' coal mine and thermal power plant,"] Thermal Science 2009 Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages: 165-174.</ref>
On May 9, 2012, Serbia and Alta AS, a Czech engineering and energy company, signed a letter of intent to develop the plant and mine. The 500 million euro ($650 million) plant will take three to five years to complete, and will start after technical and financial details are agreed on. Financing will come from a “consortium of banks,” according to Alta. Serbia plans to become a net exporter of electricity by 2015.<ref>Misha Savic, [http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-09/serbia-alta-to-construct-500-million-euro-thermal-power-plant.html "Serbia, Alta to Construct 500 Million Euro Thermal Power Plant,"] Bloomberg, May 9, 2012.</ref>
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