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Vidarbha thermal power station

589 bytes added, 00:08, 16 November 2012
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{{stub}}{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Vidarbha thermal power station''' is a proposed coal plant under construction in Maharashtra, India.
'''Vidarbha thermal power station''' is a proposed 1320 megawatt power station under construction, comprising two subcritical units of 660 MW each. The plant, which has been proposed is sponsored by [[Lanco]], is proposed to be sited ear located near Mandva, Wardha District, Maharastra state, India.<ref>Lanco, [ "Lanco Vidarbha Thermal Power Ltd"], Lanco website, accessed July 2011.</ref> A July 2012 Lanco investor presentation reported: "TG deck of unit 1 completed."<ref>[ "Investor Presentation,"] Lanco Infratech, July 2012</ref> According to the Central Electricity Authority (September 2012), Unit 1 will be commissioned in April 2014 and Unit 2 will be commissioned in August 2014.<ref name=broad>[ Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country,] Central Electricity Authority, September 2012</ref>
==Project Details==
'''Location:''' Mandva, Wardha District, Maharastra state, India<br>
'''Coordinates:''' 19.700280, 73.209446<br>
'''Status:''' Construction<br>
'''Nameplate capacity:''' 1320 MW<br>
'''Type:''' <br>
'''Projected in service:''' 2014<br>
'''Coal Type:''' <br>
'''Coal Source:''' <br>

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