'''Meenakshi Energy Thermal Power Project''' is a 300 MW coal project built by [[Meenakshi Energy]] in Andhra Pradesh. According to the Central Electricity Authority (September 2012), the first unit of 150 MW was commissioned in September 2012 and the second unit of 150 MW was commissioned in April 2013.<ref name=broad>[http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/proj_mon/broad_status.pdf Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country,] Central Electricity Authority, August 2013</ref> Although the company mentions additional expansion of the project to a total of 900 MW(2 x 300 MW addition) or 1000 MW (2 x 350 MW addition), there appear to be no concrete plans to bring this about.<ref name=Meen>[http://www.meenakshienergy.com/ourvehiclesforimplementation.html "Our Vehicles for Implementation,"] Meenaskshi Energy website, accessed October 2013</ref>
According to the company web site, "The first phase of the Project (300 MW) has been configured in a unique 'part tolling-part merchant' configuration with PTC India Limited."<ref name=Meen>[http://www.meenakshienergy.com/aboutus.html "About Us,"] Meenakshi Energy website, accessed January 2012</ref>
'''Coordinates:''' 14.235278, 80.104444 <br>
'''Status:''' Phase I Unit 1: commissioned September 2012; Phase I Unit 2: commisioned April 2013; Phase II: uncertain<br>
'''Nameplate capacity:''' Phase I Unit 1: 150 MW; Phase I Unit 2: 150 MW; Phase II: 600 MW(2 x 300 MW)<ref name=Meen/> or 700 MW(2 x 350 MW)<ref name=broad/><br>
'''Type:''' <br>
'''Projected in service:''' Phase II: uncertain<br>