'''Coal Source:''' <br>
'''Estimated annual CO<sub>2</sub>:''' 7,806,085 tons<ref>For estimation method, see [[Estimating carbon dioxide emissions for proposed coal plants in India]]</ref><br>
'''Source of financing:''' The Krishnapatnam power project achieved financial closure in July 2009. The lenders for the project are a consortium of 12 banks lead by IDBI Bank. The lending was done on a project finance basis for an estimated project cost of around Rs. 17,450 crs (US$ 4 billion) with a debt-equity ratio of 75:25.<ref>[http://www.reliancepower.co.in/business_areas/power_projects/coal_based_projects/krishnapatnam.htm "Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project,"] Reliance Power website, accessed February 2014</ref> <br>
==Carbon credits==