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Uppada power station

157 bytes removed, 18:31, 10 February 2014
{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Uppada power station''' is an existing 208-megawatt (MW) gas-fired power station near Komaragiri village in Kakinada, a coal plant port city in Andhra Pradesh which is owned an operated by [[Andhra Pradesh and coal|Andhra PradeshSpectrum Power Generation]].<ref>Spectrum Power Generation, India["About Us"], Spectrum Power Generation website, accessed February 2012.</ref> A planned 1300 MW expansion plan was initially considered as a coal-fired project but is now being promoted as a gas-fired plant
The map below shows the location of the plant.
'''Uppada power station''' is an existing 208 megawatt gas-fired power station near Komaragiri village in Kakinada, a port city in Andhra Pradesh which is owned an operated by [[Spectrum Power Generation]].<ref>Spectrum Power Generation, ["About Us"], Spectrum Power Generation website, accessed February 2012.</ref> A planned 1300+ megawatt expansion plan was initially considered as a coal-fired project but is now being promoted as a gas-fired plant.
==Coal-fired expansion plan morphs into gas project ==
A February 2009 Ministry of Coal document indicated that Spectrum Power Generation were considering a second coal-based phase at the site of their existing plant. Stage II of the plant, the document stated, could be a 1,320 megawatt plant comprising two 660MW generating units. Coal for the project is indicated as being sought from [[Mahanadi Coalfields Limited]], a [[Coal India]] subsidiary.<ref>Ministry of Coal, [ "List of Thermal Power Plants..."], February 23, 2009, page 22.</ref> In July 2011 the project was still listed by the Ministry of Coal as a pending application.<ref>Ministry of Coal, [ "Pending application of SEBs up to 31st July, 2011"], Ministry of Coal, August 2011.</ref>

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