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Paras power station

600 bytes added, 01:39, 18 April 2014
added revised details for Unit 5
* Unit 4 - 250 MW - 2010
==660 Unit 5: 250 MW Expansion==
Mahagenco is planning to install a 660 250 MW [[supercritical]] unit at the same location as the existing plant. Water for In January 2014 the company described the project is in advanced stage status of finalization. The the project has been assured supply of coal from Mahanadi coal blocks by MahaGuj follows:<ref name=FP>[http://bitwww.mahagenco.lyin/uploads/ytWb1N projects/Future%20projects.pdf "Future Projects (13940 6090 MW),"] Mahagenco, November 19Accessed January 8, 20112014</ref>* Land: Land acquisition for power house and ash disposal area is completed. * Water: Available from lower Mun barrage. * Fuel : MahaGuj has, vide letter dtd. 18th May, 2011, assured supply of coal to this project from Machhakata coal blocks. Further, GoI Vide Letter dtd 06.09.2013 have allocated Coal block of Mahajanwadi, Nagpur for this project. * MoE&F clearance: The Terms of Reference (TOR) is received from Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India on 26.09.2012. Final EIA report awaited from NEERI. * Power Purchase Agreement: MERC vide order dtd. 29.10.2013 accorded approval to amend PPA dtd. 01.04.2009 with MSEDCL for addition of this project in existing PPA. * Follow up with GoM for approval of the project is going on.
==Project Details for 660 MW Expansion==
'''Sponsor:''' [[Maharashtra State Power Generation Company]] (Mahagenco)<br>
'''Location:''' Nasik village, 6 km north of Balapur, Maharashtra state, India<br>
'''Coordinates:''' 20.7147, 76.7948<br>
'''Status:''' Early development<br>'''Nameplate capacity:''' 660 250 MW<br>'''Type:''' [[Supercritical]]<ref name=FP/><br>
'''Projected in service:'''<br>
'''Coal Source:''' Mahanadi coal bocks from MahaGuj Collieries<ref name=FP/><br>
'''Estimated annual CO<sub>2</sub>:''' <br>
'''Source of financing:''' <br>
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