{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Kinebodi power station''' is was a proposed coal plant in Maharashtra, India.
'''Kinebodi power station''' This project received brief mention in one undated news item but no other reports are available and the project is not mentioned on the website of the sponsor, a proposed 750 megawatt (MW) coal plant in Maharashtra state, Indiaservices agency. No environmental application has been reported by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. It appears that the project has been abandoned.<ref>[http://thermalpower.industry-focus.net/maharashtra-thermal-projects/248-nandlal-enterprises-ltd-to-set-up-750-mw-thermal-project-at-kinebodi.html "Nandlal Enterprises Ltd to set up 750MW thermal project at Kinebodi"], ''Thermal Power - News'', Ibis, undated, accessed February 2012.</ref>
==Project Details==
'''Location:''' Kinebodi village, Chandrapur district, Maharashtra state, India<br>