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Aditya Aluminium power station

72 bytes added, 23:15, 29 April 2014
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{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}} {{stub}}'''Aditya Aluminium power station''' is a 900 -megawatt (MW) power station proposed by [[Hindalco Industries]] to supply the Aditya Alumina and Aluminium Project in Orissa, India.
The map photograph below shows the location of construction site at the Handalco alumuminium complex about 3 km north of Lapanga, Orissa. {{#display_point:21.7569097400679,84.0225360605915|width=500600|height=400500|type=hybrid|zoom=1317}}
'''Sponsor:''' Hindalco Industries<br>
'''Location:''' Lapanga, Orissa state, India<br>
'''Coordinates:''' 21.7569097400679, 84.022536 0605915 (the location of the Handalco alumuminium complex about 3 km north of Lapanga, Orissaexact)<br>'''Status:''' ProposedConstruction<br>
'''Nameplate capacity:''' 900 MW<br>
'''Type:''' <br>
[[categoryCategory:indiaProposed coal plants in Odisha]] [[categoryCategory:miningIndia and coal]][[Category: Proposed coal plants in OrissaIndia]][[Category: Existing coal plants in Odisha]][[Category: Existing coal plants in India and ]][[Category: Proposed coalplants in Asia]][[Category: Proposed Existing coal plants in IndiaAsia]]

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