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Ratnagiri Power Plant

182 bytes added, 23:12, 23 May 2014
'''Location:''' Jaigad, Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra<br>
'''Coordinates:''' 17.296375, 73.213105 (exact)<br>
'''Status:''' * Phase I, Units 1-4: Operating<br>* Expansion: Deferred<br>
'''Nameplate capacity:''' existing: 1200 MW; proposed expansion: 3200 MW (4 x 800 MW)<br>
'''Type:''' Proposed expansion: [[Supercritical boiler technology|Supercritical]]<Ref name="Company">[ "JSW Energy - Current Projects,"] JSW Energy website, accessed December 2011</ref><br>
'''Estimated annual CO<sub>2</sub>:''' <br>
'''Source of financing:''' <br>
'''Permits and applications:'''
* Phase I, Units 1-4: [ Environmental Clearance,] India MoEF, May 17, 2007<br>


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