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Cukara power station

275 bytes added, 00:43, 12 July 2014
project cancelled
In 2009 EFT said the Cukara project was at the bottom of its list of priorities.<ref>[ "EFT unveils Balkans new build,"] EFT, Sep 9, 2010.</ref>
As of mid-2014, EFT no longer mentions the project on its web site. With no reports of progress in five years, the project appears to have been abandoned.<ref>[ "EFT Investments,"] EFT website, accessed July 2014</ref>
==Project Details==
*'''Location:''' Lučani, Moravica
*'''Coordinates:''' 43.866667, 20.133333 (approximate)
*'''Status:''' SuspendedCancelled
*'''Capacity:''' 132 MW

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