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Caledonia Clean Energy Project

109 bytes added, 19:53, 12 July 2014
In March 2012 the [[Summit Power Group]] from the US announced that it had entered into an agreement with [[National Grid]] and [[Petrofac]] to seek funding from the UK government’s [[Carbon Capture & Storage Delivery Competition]]. The company announced few details of the project other than that it was proposing to build a "commercial-scale" coal-fired plant to produce electricity and hydrogen for commercial customers with the captured carbon dioxide "transported via pipeline to St. Fergus by National Grid Carbon and then transferred offshore for geological sequestration deep under the North Sea by Petrofac subsidiary, CO2DeepStore."<ref>Summit Power Group, [ "Summit Power, National Grid and Petrofac Team Up on DECC Carbon-Capture Programme in UK"], Media Release, March 20, 2012.</ref>
As of mid-2014, the project appears to be making some progress toward eventually securing financial support. The sponsor reports the following milestones:<ref>[ "Captain Clean Energy Project (formerly Caledonia Energy Project,"] Global CCS Institute, accessed July 2014</ref>
* March 2012: Summit Power Group enters a bidding agreement with National Grid and Petrofac to seek funding for its Caledonia Clean Energy Project (later renamed the Captain Clean Energy Project).
* October 2012: The UK Government selects the Captain Clean Energy Project as one of four successful projects shortlisted to continue the next stage of its GB£1 billion CCS Commercialisation Programme Competition.

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