The map below shows Nganyoutkaung, the approximate location where the plant would be built.
{{#display_point:16.518722, 94.301304|width=600|height=500|type=normal|zoom=7}}
In 2013 India's [[Tata Power]] reached an agreement with the Myanmar government to build at least one 660 MW coal-fired power station in Nganyoutkaung, a sub-township of Pathein. Tata said it could build two 660 MW coal-fired plants in Myanmar that would become operational before 2020.<ref>Aung Shin, [http://www.mmtimes.com/index.php/business/8358-india-s-tata-to-develop-coal-power-plant-in-pathein.html " India’s Tata to develop coal power plant in Pathein,"] Myanmar Times, October 6, 2013.</ref>
==Project Details==