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Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah Thermal Power Station

337 bytes added, 20:50, 5 August 2014
The Power station is designed for blended coal in the ratio of 70% washed domestic coal from [[Talcher Coalfield]] to 30% imported coal. Sea water is proposed for cooling purpose and potable water by desalination. Krishnapatnam port (about 5&nbsp;km from site) will cater to the requirement of importing heavy machinery and both domestic & imported coal of 3.5 and 1.5 million tons per annum respectively. EPC contract for the main plant has been awarded to Tata Projects Limited during July,2008 and for BOP during February 2009. The estimated complete cost of project is about Rs 8432/- Crores. The Debt & Equity ratio is 80:20 and Project is being financed by PFC and KfW, Germany.<ref>{{cite news |title=Nelatur power plant 1st unit to be ready by 2013 |url= |work=[[The Hindu]] |date=10 February 2012 |accessdate=4 September 2012 }}</ref>
Unit 1 went into operation in March 2014. The second unit is expected to be commissioned by July 2014.<ref>[ "800-MW unit-I of AP Genco’s Krishnapatnam plant goes on stream,"] The Hindu, April 1, 2014.</ref>
==Expansion to 4000 MW Cancelled==

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