*Phase III: 660 MW
'''Type:''' Supercritical<br>
'''Projected in service:''' Phase-I May 2014; Phase-II August 2014<ref name=broad>[http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/proj_mon/broad_status.pdf Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country,] Central Electricity Authority, September 2012</ref><br>
'''Coal Type:''' <br>
'''Coal Source:''' Imported coal will be transported by ship to Krishnapatnam Port. Indigenous coal will be brought by rail from Ib Valley/Talcher to Paradip/ Dhamra Port and then transported by sea to Krishnapatnam Port<ref name=Details>[http://www.tpcil.com/tpcil-project.html "Project Details,"] Thermal Power Corporation website, accessed January 2012</ref><br>