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Simhapuri Thamminapatnam power station

54 bytes removed, 18:51, 31 August 2014
updated photo
The map photo below shows Thamminapatnam village, the approximate location where first four units of the plant would be built.{{#display_point:14.213333332045759, 80.083888890866359|width=600|height=400|type=normalhybrid|zoom=1017}}
'''Sponsor:''' [[Simhapuri Energy Private Limited]] (SEPL)<br>
'''Location:''' Thamminapatnam village, Chillakur taluk, Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh<br>
'''Coordinates:''' 14.213333332045759, 80.08388889 0866359 (approximateexact)<br>
* Phase I Unit 1 - operating (commissioned 2012) (150 MW)

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