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Mauda power station

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'''Mauda power station''' is a 1000 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station of [[National Thermal Power Corporation]] in Maharashta, India. The first 500 MW unit was commissioned on April 19, 2012<ref>[ ALL INDIA REGIONWISE GENERATING INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) OF POWER UTILITIES INCLUDING ALLOCATED SHARES IN JOINT AND CENTRAL SECTOR UTILITIES,] Central Electricity Authority, April 30, 2012</ref> The second 500 MW unit was commissioned in March 2013.<ref>National Thermal Power Corporation, [ "Future Capacity Additions"], National Thermal Power Corporation website, accessed June 2010.</ref><ref>[ "Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country"] Government of India Ministry of Power, August 2013.</ref>
In addition, two units of 660 MW each have been proposed. These are referred to by the Central Electricity Authority as Mouda Super Thermal Power Project II Units 3 and 4. They are projected to be commissioned in 20162017.<ref name=broadip>[ Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country"NTPC Investor presentation,"] Central Electricity AuthorityAugust 1, September 20122013.</ref>
==Project Details==

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