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Paroseni power station

173 bytes added, 23:03, 7 March 2015
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On September 30, 2011, the Romanian government applied to the EU Emissions Trading System for allocation of approximately 75 million tonnes of carbon allowances free of charge in the period 2013-2019. The application included construction of four new coal-fired power plants with a total capacity of 2,000 MW ([[Rovinari Power Station|CE Rovinari]], [[Craiova II Power Station|SE Islanita]], SE Paroseni, and [[Braila Power Station Expansion|Braila Power]]). The new Paroseni plant would be 200 MW.<ref>[ "The Article 10C Application of Romania,'''] Bankwatch, Feb. 21, 2012.</ref>
The project will be carried out by [[In June 2012 Paroseni was put under the newly formed power company, Complexul Energetic Hunedoara]], which also includes the thermal power stations at Mintia and the functional mining sites that are part of the National Hard Coal Company (CNH).<ref>[ "How Will The War Between Coal And Green Energy End?"] ZF English, Mar 17, 2014.</ref>
==Project Details for Proposed Unit 5 (220 MW)==

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