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Krishnapatnam Navayuga thermal station

243 bytes removed, 04:23, 11 March 2015
==Project Details==
'''Sponsor:''' [[Navayuga Power]] (note: environmental clearance lists Krishnapatnam Power Corporation as the vehicle; it is not clear whether this special purpose vehicle is still be used in connection with the project)<ref name=Infra/><ref name=EC/><br>'''Parent:''' Navayuga Group (via Navayuga Power)<ref name=Infra>[ "Summary,"] InfralineEnergy, 02 Dec 2013</ref><br>'''Parent:''' CVR Group<br>
'''Location:''' Tamminapatnam and Momidi villages, Chillakur mandel, Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh<br>
'''Coordinates:''' 14.194444, 80.091667 (exact)<ref name=EC/><br>

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