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Vijayawada Thermal Power Station (IGCC)

59 bytes removed, 01:11, 14 March 2015
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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Vijayawada Thermal Power Station (IGCC),''' also known as the '''Dr. Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Station''' is a proposed coal plant in [[Andhra Pradesh and coal|Andhra Pradesh]], India.
The project is not included on APGENCO's 2014 list of existing and upcoming thermal projects,<ref>[ "Projects,"] APGENCO website, accessed August 2014.</ref> and may have been cancelled.
Note: The [[Vijayawada Thermal Power Station]] is also know as the Dr. Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Station, or Dr. NTTPS.
==Project Details==

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