The station is sponsored by [[Power Company of Karnataka (PCKL)]]. The project is located about 12 km from Jewargi, 30 km from Gulbarga, and 8 km from Fartehabad. Land has been acquired. The site is across the road from Firozabad, about one km from Dargah. Water will be obtained from the Krishna River. PCKL is applying for coal linkage. The Standing Linkage Committee (Long Term) of the Ministry of Coal met on April 18th, 2011, but did not consider any of the 12th Plan Projects due to the no-go restriction by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The company notes: "In view of the inordinate delay by MOC in providing the coal linkage it was not possible to proceed beyond the RFQ stage. In the absence of any assurance regarding coal for this project in the near future, it is decided under orders of Government that RFPs may be called giving the option for the bidder to quote for 100% imported coal or domestic coal or blend of both. Fuel cost will not be a pass through. Instead, they will be asked to bid on the basis of levelized tariff as in the case of Ultra mega Power Projects." A public hearing was held on the project on July 23, 2010. Application for final clearance was filed with Ministry of Environment and Forests on October 25, 2010.<Ref name=company>[ "Projects,"] Power Company of Karnataka website, November 17, 2011</ref>
===May 2012: PCKL invites fresh bids===
Because it was unable to secure coal linkage, PCKL has reopened the bidding process for the project. In addition to the 23 previously qualified bidders, other companies are invited to apply on a build, own, and operate basis. In addition, bidders must be able to provide coal for the project.<ref>Mahesh Kulkarni, [ "Fresh global bids called for 1,300 Mw Gulbarga thermal power project,"] Business Standard, May 22, 2012</ref>
The bidding was "non-responsive" by the end of the bid period (2013), and PCKL said it will hold another bidding process.<Ref>[ "Projects,"] Power Company of Karnataka website, accessed August, 2014</ref>
In March 2014 PCKL said it would again float bids for the proposed 1,320 MW Gulbarga power project. The cost of the project is estimated at Rs 7,500 crore. A PCKL official said a coal linkage had been established, and that PCKL was in possession of 1,601 acres of land in Gulbarga taluk near Firozabad, Kirangi and Nadisinnur village limits, and had secured allocation for water from Googal Barrage across Krishna River.<ref>[ "
Two more thermal power projects planned in Karnataka-1,320 MW thermal power project in Gulbarga,"] Gulbarga Business, 3/4/2014</ref>
==April 2010: Five arrested following protest between farmers and survey officials==