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Mauda power station

267 bytes added, 17:26, 16 April 2015
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Two additional units of 660 MW each have been proposed. These are referred to by the Central Electricity Authority as Mouda Super Thermal Power Project II Units 3 and 4. They are projected to be commissioned in 2017.<ref name=ip>[ "NTPC Investor presentation,"] August 1, 2013.</ref> Construction on the units began in 2013.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=NTPC starts second stage of Mouda power plant | |date=2013-01-05}}</ref>
==Project Details==
*Phase I, Units 1 & 2: Operating (2012-2013)
*Phase II, Units 1 3 & 24: PermittedConstruction
*Phase I, : 1000 MW (Units 1 & 2: 500 MW each)*Phase II, : 1320 MW (Unit 1 3 & 24: 660 MW each)
'''Type:''' Supercritical<br>
'''Projected in service:''' Units 3 and 4: 2017<br>

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