* MoE&F clearance: The Terms of Reference (TOR) is received from Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India on 26.09.2012. Final EIA report awaited from NEERI.
* Power Purchase Agreement: MERC vide order dtd. 29.10.2013 accorded approval to amend PPA dtd. 01.04.2009 with MSEDCL for addition of this project in existing PPA.
* Follow up with GoM for approval of the project is going on. In July 2014 the company said environmental clearance was "pending due to coal analysis report of the revised coal linkage."<ref>[http://www.mahagenco.in/uploads/projects/Future%20projects.pdf "Future Projects (6090 MW),"] Mahagenco, 16.07.2014</ref>
==Project Details for Unit 5 Expansion==