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Meenakshi Energy Thermal Power Project

608 bytes added, 14:29, 20 August 2015
Meenakshi Energy mentions additional expansion of the project to a total of 900 MW (2 x 300 MW addition) or 1000 MW (2 x 350 MW addition).<ref name=Meen>[ "Our Vehicles for Implementation,"] Meenaskshi Energy website, accessed October 2013</ref> As of August 2014 the company describes the "ultimate capacity" of the project as 900 MW.<ref name=ongoing>[ "Ongoing initiatives,"] Meenakshi Energy website, accessed August 2014</ref>
In 2013 French energy company [[GDF Suez]] (later renamed [[Engie]]) spent $400 million to acquire a 74 per cent stake in Meenakshi Energy, including the Meenakshi power station. Indian developer Meenakshi Group owns the remaining 26 per cent stake. ''The Hindu'' stated a 700 MW addition to the plant was under construction and expected to be complete by March, 2015.<ref name=hindu>[ "GDF to pick up 74% stake in Meenakshi Energy,"] The Hindu, December 17, 2013.</ref> In August 2015 Engie said it was planning to sell its controlling stake in the Meenakshi plant. The French government, which owns a third of Engie, wants to reorient state-backed companies toward renewables, after a sustained public opposition campaign to French financing of fossil fuel projects.<ref>[ "Engie Said to Plan Over $1 Billion Sale of Asian Coal Plants,"] Bloomberg, Aug 17, 2015</ref>
==Project Details==

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