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Simhapuri Thamminapatnam power station

53 bytes added, 23:51, 27 September 2016
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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Thamminapatnam power station''' is a 600-megawatt (MW) coal plant in Andhra Pradesh, India.
An additional 1,320 MW has been proposed.
Phase III was issued a terms of reference in 2011,<ref>[ Terms of reference,] India MoEF, May 13, 2011</ref> which was renewed in September 2014.<ref>[ New terms of reference,] India MoEF, Sep 16, 2014</ref>
As of September 2016 there has been no further permits or updates on the project, which appears to be deferred or abandoned.
==Project Details==
* Phase II Unit 3 - operating (2014) (150 MW)
* Phase II Unit 4 - operating (2015) (150 MW)
* Phase III Unit 5 - pre-permit development shelved (660 MW)* Phase III Unit 6 - pre-permit development shelved (660 MW)
'''Nameplate capacity:''' Phase I: 2 x 150 MW; Phase II 2 x 150 MW; Phase III 2 x 660 MW<br>
'''Type:''' Phase I and II: [[Subcritical]]; Phase III: [[Supercritical]]<br>

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