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Mauda power station

357 bytes added, 04:26, 14 December 2016
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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Indiacoal}} '''Mauda (Mouda) power station''' is a 1,000-megawatt (MW) coal plant in Maharashtra, India.
A 1,320 MW expansion has been proposedare under development.
Two additional units of 660 MW each have been proposed. These are referred to by the Central Electricity Authority as Mouda Super Thermal Power Project II Units 3 and 4. Construction on the units began in 2013.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=NTPC starts second stage of Mouda power plant | |date=2013-01-05}}</ref> They are projected to be commissioned in 2016-2017.<ref name=ip>[ "NTPC Investor presentation,"] August 1, 2013.</ref><ref>[ "Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country,"] Government of India Ministry of Power, March 2016</ref>
In March 2016 it was reported that although units 1-2 at the plant were idled, unit 3 would be commissioned that month.<ref>Ashish Roy, [ "Two units idle, but NTPC will start 3rd one at Mouda,"] Times of India, Mar 4, 2016</ref>
==Project Details==

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