In May 2018 the India Power Ministry said progress on the project was slow: "due to financial problem, work at site remained closed for a long time."<ref>[ "LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO.545 ANSWERED ON 05.04.2018 ,"] India Power Ministry, Apr 5, 2018</ref>
According to the India Ministry of Power, unit 3 was commissioned in April 2018.There is no estimated date for unit 4, with construction on hold due to "non availability of Boiler Licence."<ref>[ "Monthly Report on Broad Status of Thermal Power Projects in the Country,"] Government of India Ministry of Power, July 2016April 2018</ref>
==Project Details==
*Phase I Unit 2: commissioned April 2013
*Phase II: commissioned April 2018
*Phase III: 2018
'''Type:''' <br>
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