Talk:Just Journalism

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Just Journalism (JJ) is a pro-Israel media flak organization seeking to influence the way the Middle East is reported in the UK media. By the date of its oldest reports, it seems that JJ originated only after May 2008. By analyzing its website, it is evident that JJ publishes a running commentary of articles about journalism appearing on a daily basis, it produces longer reports on a particular theme, e.g., the coverage of Israel at 60, and it aims to put pressure on the BBC and similar media by finding contradictions in its charter and their coverage of Israel. JJ is strong on pushing the "balance" argument to criticize coverage, i.e., if Israelis aren't quoted or given a chance to voice their opinions, then an article is labelled: "IMBALANCE OF VIEWS". It is also evident that JJ's reports are meant to be used by pro-Israel organizations in the UK to lobby for more Israeli-centric reporting.

London Review of Books campaign

Just Journalism has pursued a campaign for the elimination of UK-state funds for publications and media that are critical of Israel. In particular it has conducted a campaign against the London Review of Books primarily because it published the original article about The Lobby by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.[1][2]

Uses of JJ reports

  1. Alex Brummer, Now proof that the Nakba narrative rules Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 2008.


Advisory Board


Website registration

Registrant: Debra Wise 18 Wychwood road Watford, Herts HA3 4AP GB

Sourcewatch resources

External resources


Phone 020 8455 6450.
Website: (on 22 October 2011, the website wasn't public)


  1. Philip Weiss, ‘LRB’ loses UK arts funding– blogger says because of campaign by Israel lobby, MondoWeiss, 4 April 2011.
  2. Muhammad Idrees Ahmad 'London Review of Books’ is unsurprisingly a target of the lobby MondoWeiss, 22 November 2010.
  3. Daniel Johnson, Mary-Kay Wilmers, Standpoint, January/February 2010

End Page Excerpt

Critical Assessment of JJ's reports

JJ publishes a running commentary of articles about journalism appearing on a daily basis, it produces longer reports on a particular theme, e.g., the coverage of Israel at 60, and it aims to put pressure on the BBC and similar media by finding contradictions in its charter and their coverage of Israel. JJ is strong on pushing the "balance" argument to criticize coverage, i.e., if Israelis aren’t quoted or given a chance to voice their opinions, then an article is labelled: "IMBALANCE OF VIEWS". It is also evident that JJ's reports are meant to be used by zionist organizations in the UK to lobby for more Israeli-centric reporting.