Talk:Michael Weiss

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{{#badges:stub}} Michael Weiss is an American neoconservative who serves as the Executive director of Just Journalism, an Israel lobby media flak group based in the UK. He is also the Communications Director of the Henry Jackson Society.

A Henry Jackson Society profile:

Michael joined the Henry Jackson Society in March 2010, after having served as executive director of Just Journalism, a media research organisation. A widely published journalist, Michael has expertise in the Israel-Palestine conflict, Russian politics, British extremism groups, and human rights in the Middle East, particularly Syria. He has been published in Slate, The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, The Daily Telegraph, The New Criterion, The Guardian, Foreign Policy, Prospect, Standpoint, Democratiya and The New Republic. He keeps a regular blog on foreign policy for the Daily Telegraph and one on culture for The New Criterion. Michael has briefed foreign embassies and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. His media experience is extensive as he's appeared frequently on BBC News, BBC World News, Newsnight and Radio 5 Live. His recent publications for HJS include Political Implications of the Palestinian Accession to UNESCO, Regime Change for Syria, The Syrian opposition: Political analysis with original testimony from key figures, Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation: A Preliminary Assessment, and Syria Media Briefing.[1]

Reporting from Syria

Weiss wrote an article, purportedly from Aleppo, featuring the armed opposition, and providing a pro-interventionist slant.[2]




  1. Michael Weiss, Henry Jackson Society, Intervention in Syria?: An Assessment of Legality, Logistics and Hazards (pdf) 20 December 2011
  2. Michael Weiss, Ramadan in Aleppo, Henry Jackson Society, 14 August 2012.

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