William F. Buckley, Jr.

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William F. Buckley, Jr. is the founder and owner of National Review magazine.

Beginning in 1950, Buckley was a CIA agent for a few years. He was recruited into the organization by Yale professor Willmoore Kendall, who was his mentor [1].

In 1999, William F. Buckley published a biography of Joe McCarthy called "The Redhunter" [2].

Buckley publishes regular op-eds on the Yahoo News site. His son, Christopher Buckley, is a novelist.

{{#badges: Tobaccowiki}} Comments and statements by William F. Buckley, known for his right-wing, anti-government views, were used by tobacco companies to help influence the public debate about smoking. In one example, a 1978 PM USA Tobacco Action Program Manual designed to help PM employees "oppose the antismoking forces by speaking out with an informed voice of reason" about the links between smoking and disease, quotes Buckley in a section about government interference in relation to attempts to ban smoking on airplanes. The featured quote is,

Syndicated columnist William F .Buckley,New York Post, August 13,1977: "For heaven's sake keep the government out of the way. Let the airplanes, the restaurants, the steamships, the bus companies handle the problem..."

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External links

  • Chris Weinkopf, "William F. Buckley Jr", Salon.com, Sept. 3, 1999. Affectionate profile of Buckley by a friend.

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