W Thomas Hoyt

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This stub is a work-in-progress by the ScienceCorruption.com journalists's group. We are indexing the millions of documents stored at the San Francisco Uni's Legacy Tobacco Archive [1] With some entries you'll need to go to this site and type into the Search panel a (multi-digit) Bates number. You can search on names for other documents also.     Send any corrections or additions to editor@sciencecorruption.com

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Tom Hoyt was a Hill & Knowlton public relations practitioner in January 1954 who was put in to run the Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC) when the tobacco industry was forced into facing the problems of smoking and lung-cancer by both the Doll-Hill studies in the UK, and the Wynder-Graham work in the USA.

He ran the TIRC successfully until it was transformed into the Council for Tobacco Research (CTR) in January 1964. He then ran the CTR until March 1 1984, holding successive titles of Executive Secretary, Executive Director, Executive Vice President, then President.

When he retired he became a CTR consultant on a retainer.

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