ALEC 2013 Bills

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Learn more about corporations VOTING to rewrite our laws.

Read the Center for Media and Democracy's special report about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) bills introduced in 2013 here.

This article is a breakout of the article on ALEC.

About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.

Subject Area Reports on 2013 ALEC Bills

You can read the full final report here.

ALEC 2013 Bills


  • ED = Education Bills
  • SYG = Stand Your Ground Bills
  • V-ID = Voter ID Bills
  • WORK = Worker Rights Bills
  • CJ = Tort Reform Bills
  • ENV = Environment and Agriculture Bills
ALEC 2013 Bills
Type State ALEC Bill State Bill Passed
ED AL Founding Principles Act SB 443
ED AL The Innovation Schools and School Districts Act HB 84 Yes
SYG AL Castle Doctrine Act SB 286 Yes
CJ AL Emergency Care Immunity Act SB 62
CJ AL Product Liability Act HB 617
ENV AL Energy Efficiency and Savings Act HB 191
ED AK Founding Principles Act HB 31
SYG AK Castle Doctrine Act HB 24 Yes
ED AZ District and School Freedom Act HB 2496 Yes
ED AZ Environmental Literacy Improvement Act SB 1213
ED AZ Parent Trigger Act SB 1409
ED AZ Founding Principles Act SB 1212
ED AZ Resolution Supporting Private Scholarship Tax Credits HB 2617 Yes
ED AZ The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act HB 2617 Yes
ED AZ The Next Generation Charter Schools Act HB 2494 Yes
ED AZ The Virtual Public Schools Act HB 2493
CJ AZ Class Actions Improvements Act SB 1452
WORK AZ Public Employee Paycheck Protection Act SB 1349 SB 1182 SB 1142
WORK AZ Prohibition on Paid Union Activity (Release Time) by Public Employees Act SB 1348 HB 2343
WORK AZ Public Employee Bargaining Transparency Act HB 2330
WORK AZ Public Employees' Portable Retirement Option (PRO) Act HB 2653
WORK AZ Public Employer Payroll Deduction Policy Act HB 2026
ENV AZ Environmental Literacy Improvement Act SB 1213
ENV AZ Regulatory Costs Fairness Act HB 2319
ED AR Founding Principles Act SB 1017
ED AR Resolution Supporting Private Scholarship Tax Credits SB 740
ED AR The Foster Child Scholarship Program Act HB 1788
ED AR The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act SB 740
ED AR The Innovation Schools and School Districts Act SB 66 Yes
ED AR The Next Generation Charter Schools Act HB 1040
ED AR The Open Enrollment Act HB 1507
ED AR The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act HB 1897, HB 2260
V-ID AR Voter ID Act SB 2 Yes
V-ID AR Voter ID Act SJR 1
WORK AR Prevailing Wage Repeal Act HB 1151
WORK AR Resolution Urging Congress to Modernize the Social Security System With Personal Retirement Accounts HR 1047
WORK AR The Occupational Licensing Relief and Job Creation Act SB 894
WORK AR ALEC's Statement of Principles on State and Local Government Pension and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans SB 123 Yes
ENV AR The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act SB 13 SB 14
ENV AR Property Investment Protection Act SB 367
ED CA The Open Enrollment Act AB 1279
ED CO Environmental Literacy Improvement Act HB 13-1089
SYG CO Castle Doctrine Act HB 13-1048
WORK CO Right to Work Act HB 13-1106
ENV CO Environmental Literacy Improvement Act HB 13-1089
ENV CO Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act [SB 13-142]
ED CT The Lifelong Learning Accounts Act SB 769
V-ID CT Voter ID Act HB 5153
V-ID CT Voter ID Act HB 5892
V-ID CT Voter ID Act HB 5893
CJ CT Noneconomic Damage Awards Act SB 452
WORK CT Resolution in Opposition to any Increase in the Starting (Minimum) Wage HB 5237
WORK CT Prohibition on Paid Union Activity (Release Time) by Public Employees Act HB 5705
WORK CT ALEC's Statement of Principles on State and Local Government Pension and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans SB 153 HB 5009 HB 5190 HB 5191 HB 5559 HB 5702 SB 346
WORK CT Public Employees' Portable Retirement Option (PRO) Act HB 5698
WORK CT Resolution to Align Pay and Benefits of Public Sector Workers with Private Sector Workers SB 308 HB 5563 SB 347
WORK CT Paycheck Protection Act HB 5699
WORK CT Political Funding Reform Act HB 5706]
ED DE The Charter Schools Act HB 165
ED DC The Innovation Schools and School Districts Act B 20-0310
ED FL Alternative Certification Act SB 1664 Yes
ED FL Alternative Certification Act SB 1238
ED FL Education Savings Account HB 1251
ED FL The Innovation Schools and School Districts Act SB 1390
ED FL The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act SB 172
ED FL Parent Trigger Act HB 867, SB 862
SYG FL Castle Doctrine Act HB 1047
CJ FL Elimination of Double Recoveries Act SB 1134
CJ FL The Common Sense Scientific and Technical Evidence Act SB 1412
CJ FL The Common Sense Scientific and Technical Evidence Act H 7015 Yes
WORK FL ALEC's Statement of Principles on State and Local Government Pension and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans H 7011
WORK FL Living Wage Mandate Preemption Act H 655 Yes
ENV FL The Disclosure of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition Act H 745, SB 1776
CJ GA Trespasser Responsibility Act SB 125, HB 270
WORK GA Right to Work Act HB 144
WORK GA At-will Employment Act HB 172
WORK GA Paycheck Protection Act HB 361 Yes
WORK HI Right to Work Act SB 261
ED ID The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act HB 227, HB 286
WORK ID The Election Accountability for Municipal Employee Union Representatives Act S 1039
WORK ID School Collective Bargaining Agreement Sunshine Act S 1098 Yes
WORK ID School Collective Bargaining Agreement Sunshine Act H 67
ENV ID Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act HCR 21 Yes
ENV ID Resolution Demanding that Congress Convey Title of Federal Public Lands to the States HCR 22 Yes
ED IL Alternative Certification Act HB 513 Yes
ED IL Alternative Certification Act HB 1868 Yes
V-ID IL Voter ID Act HB 976
V-ID IL Voter ID Act SB 1393
V-ID IL Voter ID Act SB 1682
V-ID IL Voter ID Act SB 1685
CJ IL Asbestos Claims Transparency Act HB 153
CJ IL Joint and Several Liability Act SB 1974
CJ IL Product Liability Act HB 5808
CJ IL Regulatory Compliance Congruity with Liability Act HB 5808
CJ IL Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act HB 2221
CJ IL Trespasser Responsibility Act HB 3407, HB 2216
WORK IL Right to Work Act HB 3160
WORK IL Political Funding Reform Act HB 3161
WORK IL Public Employee Bargaining Transparency Act HB 2689
WORK IL School Collective Bargaining Agreement Sunshine Act HB 182
ENV IL State Implementation Plan Requirements for Ozone and Particulate Matter Attainment SB 1704 Yes
ENV IL The Common Sense Scientific and Technical Evidence Act HB 2221
ENV IL The Disclosure of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition Act HB 2615
ED IN Parental Choice Scholarship Program Act HB 1003 Yes
ED IN Parental Choice Scholarship Program Act HB 1001 Yes
ED IN Parental Rights Amendment SB 332
ED IN The Smart Start Scholarship Program HB 1003 Yes
ED IN The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act HB 1003 Yes
CJ IN Admissibility in Civil Actions of Nonuse of a Seat Belt Act HB 1010
CJ IN Trespasser Responsibility Act HB 1502
WORK IN Political Funding Reform Act SB 605
WORK IN Resolution on Release Time for Union Business SB 102
WORK IN Public Employer Payroll Deduction Policy Act SB 605 SB 312
WORK IN ALEC's Statement of Principles on State and Local Government Pension and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans SB 248 Yes
ENV IN Agriculture Bio-Security Act HB 1562
ENV IN The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act SB 373 Yes
ENV IN The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act SB 391
ENV IN Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline SCR 38, SR 41
ENV IN Right to Farm Act SB 571
ED IA Parent Trigger Act SF 2
ED IA The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act HB 225
SYG IA Castle Doctrine Act HF 57
V-ID IA Voter ID Act HF 485
V-ID IA Voter ID Act SF 85
WORK IA Right to Work Act HJR 1
ED KS Environmental Literacy Improvement Act HB 2306
ED KS Parental Rights Amendment HR 6010
ED KS Public Employee Freedom Act HB 2123
ED KS The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act HB 2400
ED KS The Next Generation Charter Schools Act SB 196
ED KS The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act HB 2263
CJ KS Full & Fair Noneconomic Damages Act SB 158
CJ KS Trespasser Responsibility Act HB 2315
CJ KS Trespasser Responsibility Act HB 2399
WORK KS Public Employee Freedom Act HB 2123
WORK KS Paycheck Protection Act HB 2022 Yes
WORK KS Political Funding Reform Act SB 31
ENV KS Electricity Freedom Act HB 2241
ENV KS Electricity Freedom Act SB 82
ENV KS Environmental Literacy Improvement Act HB 2306
ENV KS Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline HCR 5014
ED KY Environmental Literacy Improvement Act HB 269
ED KY The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act HB 66 Yes
ED KY The Next Generation Charter Schools Act HB 76
ED KY The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act HB 155
WORK KY Right to Work Act HB 308
WORK KY Prevailing Wage Repeal Act HB 312 SB 105 HB 257
ENV KY Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline HR 122 Yes
ENV KY Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline SCR 273 Yes
ENV KY Environmental Literacy Improvement Act HB 269 Yes
ED LA Parental Choice Scholarship Program Act HB 597
CJ LA Asbestos Claims Transparency Act HB 481
WORK LA Public Employer Payroll Deduction Policy Act HB 552
ENV LA Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline SCR 115, SCR 125
ED ME Alternative Certification Act SP 461
ED ME The Next Generation Charter Schools Act HP 967 Yes
ED ME The Virtual Public Schools Act HP 331, SP 391
WORK ME Right to Work Act HP 582
WORK ME Political Funding Reform Act LD 110
WORK ME Alternative Certification Act SP 461
ED MD Parent Trigger Act HB 875
V-ID MD Voter ID Act HB 137
V-ID MD Voter ID Act HB 325
WORK MD Right to Work Act SB 668 HB 318
WORK MD Employee Rights Reform Act SB 422 Yes
ENV MD Environmental Services Public-Private Partnership Act HB 560 Yes
ENV MD Environmental Services Public-Private Partnership Act SB 538
ED MA Alternative Certification Act H 418
ED MA Founding Principles Act H 513
ED MA Parent Trigger Act H 429
V-ID MA Voter ID Act HB 572
V-ID MA Voter ID Act HB 580
V-ID MA Voter ID Act HB 586
V-ID MA Voter ID Act HB 626
V-ID MA Voter ID Act HB 3308
V-ID MA Voter ID Act SB 335
V-ID MA Voter ID Act SB 339
CJ MA Notice and Opportunity to Repair Act S 617
WORK MA Council on Efficient Government Act SB 1539 SB 1550
ED MI Founding Principles Act SB 121
ED MI The Virtual Public Schools Act HB 4228 Yes
ED MI The Virtual Public Schools Act SB 182
WORK MI The Occupational Licensing Relief and Job Creation Act HB 4641
WORK MI Paycheck Protection Act SB 283
ENV MI Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline SCR 6 Yes
ENV MI The Disclosure of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition Act HB 4061
ED MN The Charter Schools Act SF 978
ENV MN Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline SF 479, HF 987
ENV MN Electricity Freedom Act HF 306
ED MS Parental Rights Amendment HC 90, HC 96, HB 496
ED MS The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act SB 2132, HB 1095
ED MS The Innovation Schools and School Districts Act SB 2716, HB 118, HB 787
ED MS The Next Generation Charter Schools Act SB 2189
ED MS The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act HB 1004
CJ MS Trespasser Responsibility Act SB 2525 HB 1302
WORK MS Living Wage Mandate Preemption Act SB 2473
WORK MS Living Wage Mandate Preemption Act HB 141 Yes
ENV MS Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline SCR 543
ENV MS Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline SR 3 Yes
ED MO Parent Trigger Act SB 311
ED MO Teacher Choice Compensation Act SB 408
ED MO The Next Generation Charter Schools Act HB 315 Yes
V-ID MO Voter ID Act HB 48
V-ID MO Voter ID Act HB 216 (joined with HB 48)
V-ID MO Voter ID Act HJR 1
V-ID MO Voter ID Act HJR 5
V-ID MO Voter ID Act HJR 12 (joined with HJR 5)
V-ID MO Voter ID Act SB 27
V-ID MO Voter ID Act HB 660
V-ID MO Voter ID Act SJR 6
CJ MO Noneconomic Damage Awards Act HJR 6
CJ MO Product Liability Act SB 356
CJ MO The Uninsured Motorist Stipulation of Benefits Act HB 339 Yes
WORK MO Right to Work Act HB 95
WORK MO Employee Rights Reform Act SB 29 Governor Veto
WORK MO Employee Rights Reform Act SB 71
WORK MO Public Employee Paycheck Protection Act HB 64
WORK MO Prevailing Wage Repeal Act SB 30
ENV MO Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline HCR 19 Yes
ENV MO Energy Efficiency and Savings Act SB 26 Yes
ED MT Resolution Calling for Greater Productivity in American Higher Education SJ 13 Yes
ED MT Education Savings Account Act HB 357
ED MT The Charter Schools Act SB 374, HB 315
ED MT The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act HB 213
ED MT The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act HB 390
V-ID MT Voter ID Act HB 108
WORK MT Paycheck Protection Act SB 219
WORK MT Public Employer Payroll Deduction Policy Act LC 0230
WORK MT ALEC's Statement of Principles on State and Local Government Pension and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans HB 112 SB 82
WORK MT The Financial Accountability for Public Employee Unions Act SB 253
ENV MT Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act [SJR 15] Yes
ED NE Parental Rights Amendment LR 42
V-ID NE Voter ID Act LB 381
WORK NE Defined-Contribution Pension Reform Act LB 638
ENV NE The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act LB 204
CJ NH Full & Fair Noneconomic Damages Act HB 1180
WORK NH Right to Work Act HB 323
WORK NH Workplace Drug Testing Act HB 597
ED NV Great Teachers and Leaders Act SB 407 Yes
ED NV Parent Trigger Act AB 254
ED NV Parental Rights Amendment SB 314
ED NV The Charter Schools Act AB 205
SYG NV Castle Doctrine Act AB 70
V-ID NV Voter ID Act AB 216
CJ NV Emergency Care Immunity Act AB 132 Yes
ED NV Founding Principles Act SB 163 Yes
WORK NV Resolution in Opposition to any Increase in the Starting (Minimum) Wage SJR 2
ENV NV Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act [AB 227] Yes
ED NJ The Charter Schools Act A 4177
ED NJ The Family Education Savings Account Act A 3959
V-ID NJ Voter ID Act A 674
V-ID NJ Voter ID Act S 200
CJ NJ Emergency Care Immunity Act A 3694
ENV NJ Environmental Services Public-Private Partnership Act A 4082
ED NM Local Government Transparency Act SB 63
V-ID NM Voter ID Act HB 103
WORK NM Right to Work Act HB 351
ENV NM The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act SB 552
ENV NM Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act [HB 292]
ENV NM The Disclosure of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition Act HB 136
ED NY Common Sense in Medication Students Act A 2972
ED NY Founding Principles Act S 2134
ED NY Parent Trigger Act A 3826
ED NY Quality Education and Teacher and Principal Protection Act A 3110
ED NY The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act S 788
V-ID NY Voter ID Act A 3788
V-ID NY Voter ID Act A 3789
V-ID NY Voter ID Act S 100
CJ NY Anti-Phishing Act A 1117
CJ NY Noneconomic Damage Awards Act A 321, A 5336
CJ NY Trespasser Responsibility Act A 4824
WORK NY An Act Providing for the Detection and Prevention of Fraud Waste Abuse and Improper Payments in State Government S 4815
ENV NY Energy Efficiency and Savings Act A 52 S 3854 A 758 S 2635 S 4130
ENV NY Regulatory Costs Fairness Act A 3216
ENV NY Energy Efficiency and Savings Act S 4130
ED NC Parental Choice Scholarship Program Act HB 944
ED NC Parental Rights Amendment H 711
ED NC The 140 Credit Hour Act HB 255 Yes
ED NC The Innovation Schools and School Districts Act H 960
V-ID NC Voter ID Act HB 253
V-ID NC Voter ID Act HB 589 Yes
V-ID NC Voter ID Act SB 235
V-ID NC Voter ID Act SB 721
CJ NC Commonsense Consumption Act HB 683 Yes
WORK NC Paycheck Protection Act SB 702
ENV NC Electricity Freedom Act HB 298
ENV NC The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act SB 648
V-ID ND Voter ID Act HB 1332 Yes
ED OH Founding Principles Act SB 96
SYG OH Castle Doctrine Act HB 203
CJ OH Asbestos Claims Transparency Act HB 380 Yes
ENV OH Electricity Freedom Act SB 34
ENV OH Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline SCR 7 Yes
ENV OH Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline HCR 9
WORK OH Right to Work Act HB 151 HB 152
WORK OH Prevailing Wage Repeal Act HB 190
ED OK Alternative Certification Act SB 877
ED OK Environmental Literacy Improvement Act HB 1674
ED OK Founding Principles Act SB 154
ED OK Parent Trigger Act HB 1385 Yes
ED OK Parental Rights Amendment HB 1384
V-ID OK Voter ID Act HB 2116
CJ OK Class Actions Improvements Act SB 949
CJ OK Jury Patriotism Act SB 484 Yes
CJ OK Prejudgment and Post-Judgment Act SB 1080 Yes
CJ OK Private Attorney Retention Sunshine Act HB 1494
CJ OK Rational Use of a Product Act SB 754
CJ OK Resolution in Support of Fair Recourse and
Effective Deterrence Against Frivolous Claims
SB 533
CJ OK Workers’ Compensation Fraud Warning Act SB 1062 Yes
WORK OK Career Ladder Opportunities Act HB 2121
WORK OK Council on Efficient Government Act SB 1008 Yes
WORK OK Public Employee Paycheck Protection Act SB 31
WORK OK Paycheck Protection Act SB 31
ENV OK Environmental Literacy Improvement Act HB 1674
ED OR Parent Trigger Act HB 2881
WORK OR Right to Work Act HB 3062
ENV OR Climate Accountability Act HB 2806
ED PA The Great Schools Tax Credit Program Act (Scholarship Tax Credits) SB 51
CJ PA Ten-Year Statute of Repose Act SB 446
WORK PA Right to Work Act HB 50 HB 54
WORK PA Defined-Contribution Pension Reform Act SB 2
ENV PA The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act HB 683
ED RI The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act H 6131
CJ RI Comparative Fault Act H 5321
CJ RI Prejudgment and Post-Judgment Act HB 5289
ED SC Parent Trigger Act S 556
ED SC Parental Rights Amendment S 628
ED SC The Charter Schools Act S 3853
ED SC The Open Enrollment Act S 313
CJ SC Emergency Care Immunity Act H 4145
CJ SC Noneconomic Damage Awards Act S 625
CJ SC Punitive Damages Standards Act S 788
CJ SC Trespasser Responsibility Act HB 788
WORK SC Council on Efficient Government Act SB 226
WORK SC Public Employer Payroll Deduction Policy Act H 3782
WORK SC Living Wage Mandate Preemption Act H 3941
ENV SC Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act [HR 3552]
CJ SD Emergency Care Immunity Act HB 1151 Yes
WORK SD Voluntary Contributions (Paycheck Protection) Act HB 1243
ENV SD Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline HCR 1006 Yes
ED TN Founding Principles Act HB 1129
ED TN Local Government Transparency Act SB 2832
ED TN Parent Trigger Act HB 77
ED TN The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act HB 387 Yes
ED TN The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act SB 486
V-ID TN Voter ID Act SB 125 Yes
CJ TN Joint and Several Liability Act SB 56 Yes
CJ TN Joint and Several Liability Act HB 1099 Yes
CJ TN The Phantom Damages Elimination Act SB 1184, HB 978
WORK TN Political Funding Reform Act HB 502 SB 490
WORK TN An Act Providing for the Detection and Prevention of Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Improper Payments in State Government HB 397 SB 556
WORK TN Public Employee Paycheck Protection Act HB 913 SB 725
ENV TN The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act SB 1248 Governor Veto
ED TX Parental Rights Amendment HCR 38
ED TX Statewide Online Education Act SB 1298
ED TX Taxpayers Savings Grants Act SB 29
ED TX The Education Enterprise Zone Act HB 300
ED TX The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act SB 17 Yes
ENV TX Energy Efficiency and Savings Act HB 2746
ENV TX Electricity Freedom Act HB 2026
ENV TX Performance Based Permitting Act HB 2949
ENV TX Protecting Property Rights to Facilitate Species Conservation SB 468
ENV TX Protecting Property Rights to Facilitate Species Conservation HB 3509 Governor Veto
WORK TX Prevailing Wage Repeal Act HB 1207
WORK TX Alternative Certification Act HB 2318 Yes
WORK TX State Council on Competitive Government Act SB 1681 Yes
CJ UT Asset Forfeiture Process and Private Property Protection Act HB 384 Yes
CJ UT Trespasser Responsibility Act HB 347 Yes
WORK UT Council on Efficient Government Act HB 0094 Yes
WORK UT Public Employee Bargaining Transparency Act HB 362
ED VA Parental Rights Amendment HB 1642 Yes
ED VA Parental Rights Amendment SB 908 Yes
ED VA Resolution Supporting Private Scholarship Tax Credits SB 1227 Yes
ED VA Resolution Supporting Private Scholarship Tax Credits HB 1996 Yes
ED VA The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act HB 1996 Yes
ED VA The Great Schools Tax Credit (Scholarship Tax Credit) Act SB 1227 Yes
SYG VA Castle Doctrine Act HB 1415
V-ID VA Voter ID Act HB 1337 Yes
V-ID VA Voter ID Act HB 1787
V-ID VA Voter ID Act SB 719
V-ID VA Voter ID Act [SB 1256] Yes
CJ VA Trespasser Responsibility Act HB 2004 Yes
WORK VA Great Teachers and Leaders Act SB 1223 Yes
ENV VT The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act S 162
WORK VT Employee Rights Reform Act H 64
ED WA A-Plus Literacy Act SB 5328
SYG WA Castle Doctrine Act HB 1371
CJ WA Admissibility in Civil Actions of Nonuse of a Seat Belt Act HB 1696
WORK WA ALEC's Statement of Principles on State and Local Government Pension and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans SB 5856
CJ WI Asbestos Claims Transparency Act AB 19
ED WI The Family Education Savings Account Act SB 111
ED WI The Special Needs Scholarship Program Act AB 40
ED WV The Charter Schools Act HB 2808
ED WV Alternative Certification Act SB 359 Yes
ED WV Resolution Adopting the 10 Elements of High-Quality Digital Learning SB 37
ED WV Founding Principles Act HB 2594
SYG WV Castle Doctrine Act HB 2951
V-ID WV Voter ID Act HB 2215
V-ID WV Voter ID Act HB 2350
V-ID WV Voter ID Act HB 3107
CJ WV Comparative Fault Act SB 450, HB 2843
CJ WV Elimination of Double Recoveries Act SB 176
CJ WV Emergency Care Immunity Act HB 2285
CJ WV Forum Non Conveniens Act SB 113
CJ WV Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act SB 113
CJ WV Trespasser Responsibility Act SB 338, HB 2582
CJ WV Volunteer Immunity and
Charitable Organization Liability Limit Act
HB 2285
ENV WV Verifiable Science Act HB 3129
ENV WV Electricity Freedom Act HB 2609
WORK WV Right to Work Act HB 2010
WORK WV Prevailing Wage Repeal Act HB 2576
WORK WV Employee Rights Reform Act SB 164
WORK WV Alternative Certification Act SB 359 Yes
V-ID WY Voter ID Act [SF 134]
ENV WY The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act HB 126
ENV WY Resolution Supporting the Private Ownership of Property HJ 3
ENV WY The Disclosure of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition Act SF 157
ENV WY Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act [HB 228] Yes
CJ WY Trespasser Responsibility Act SF 70