Adam Putnam

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Adam Putnam is the Florida Agriculture Commissioner

Adam H. Putnam, a Republican, is the Florida Agriculture Commissioner since January 2011. He is a former U.S. Representative for the 12th Congressional District of Florida, having served 2001 to 2011.[1]

He was the chairman of the House Republican Conference for the 110th Congress (2007).

Record and controversies

General information about important bills and votes for can be found in Congresspedia's articles on legislation. You can add information you find on how Adam Putnam voted by clicking the "[edit]" link to the right and typing it in. Remember to cite your sources!

Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council

Putnam is an alumnus of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).[2]

About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.

Putnam Bought by the Sugar and Dairy Industries

In December 2010, the Florida Independent reported that then-incoming Agriculture Commissioner Putnam "petitioned the State Board of Education to delay considering a ban on sugary drinks in schools, claiming the focus on soda and chocolate milk does not address the broader picture of school nutrition while insisting students will be better served once the Department of Agriculture is given authority under the president’s new child nutrition bill to establish standards for all school food offerings."[3]

ThinkProgress reported that "campaign finance records show that Putnam is less than an impartial figure in the matter. . . . [T]he incoming Agriculture Commissioner has been the benefactor of a significant amount of money from both the sugar and dairy lobby during the campaign – both of whom have a strong financial interest in keeping sugary drinks in schools. Despite Florida’s $500 contribution limit for both individuals and PACs, Putnam received at least $61,000 in campaign funds from sugar and dairy interests, including maxed-out contributions from Coca Cola’s lobbyist in Tallahassee Brian Ballard and a slew of maxed out contributions from the Sugar Barons of South Florida, the Fanjul family."[4] The report goes on:

Following his victory on November 2, Putnam also made a wealthy sugar magnate one of his first appointments. Tracy Duda Chapman, Vice President and General Counsel for the corporate megafarm A. Duda & Sons, Inc., was appointed by Putnam as co-chair of his four-member transition team. Chapman is not just heavily invested in the sugar industry herself. She also serves on the leadership of the Florida Land Council trade association alongside the senior vice president of the US Sugar Corporation, Robert Coker, who also maxed out to Putnam.[4]

Iraq War

Putnam voted for the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 that started the Iraq War.[5]

Republican Conference Chairman Putnam along with House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) both objected to the introducing of a resolution opposing President Bush's troop "surge" in Iraq to the House with a "closed rule." Putnam, stated that, "When Republicans brought an Iraq War resolution to the House floor in November 2005 regarding troop withdrawal under a similarly restrictive rule, they were wrong and did so for political gain." He continued, "You know what? [Democrats] were right...It was a game, and we got beat. I mean, did we learn anything from that? It was a resolution that didn’t go through committee and it should have, and it would have been a better resolution if it had."

Main article: Congressional actions regarding President Bush’s 2007 proposed troop “surge” in Iraq

After the President's veto of an Iraq supplemental spending bill with a troop withdrawal timetable, House Democrats attempted a second bill without a timetable that only provided short term funding for the war. Putnam called the "short-term" legislation “an irresponsible approach."

Main article: U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 (H.R.2206)
For more information see the chart of U.S. House of Representatives votes on the Iraq War.


Putnam was born July 31, 1974 in Bartow, Florida. He was educated at Bartow High School and the University of Florida, was a farmer, rancher and a member of the Florida House of Representatives before entering the House.

Putnam is noted for being one of Congress' leading supporters of developmental education for children from low-income families. He is the author of the Head Start Accountability Bill.

2006 elections

In 2006, independents Joseph A. Viscusi and Edward W. Bowlin announced their intentions to challenge Putnam in his November 2006 bid for reelection. (See U.S. congressional elections in 2006) [1] Putnam retained his seat.

2010 elections

In 2009, Putnam announced he would leave Congress in 2010. He was succeeded by ex-Florida Rep. Dennis Ross.[1]

Congressional leadership position

Following the 2006 elections, Putnam was elected by his peers to be Republican Conference Chair for the 110th Congress. [2]

Money in politics

This section contains links to – and feeds from – money in politics databases. <crpcontribdata>cid=N00009618&cycle=2006</crpcontribdata>

Links to more campaign contribution information for Adam Putnam
from the Center for Responsive Politics' site.
Fundraising profile: 2006 election cycle Career totals
Top contributors by organization/corporation: 2006 election cycle Career totals
Top contributors by industry: 2006 election cycle Career totals

Committees and affiliations


Committee assignments in the 109th Congress (2005-2006)

Coalitions and caucuses

  • Co Chair, Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus
  • National Republican Congressional Committee

Boards and other affiliations

  • Alpha Gamma Rho
  • Bartow Chamber of Commerce
  • Florida Blue Key
  • Florida Farm Bureau
  • Former President, Florida 4-H Foundation
  • Florida Sheriff's Youth Villa Board of Associates
  • Polk County Cattleman's Association
  • Polk County Farm Bureau
  • Polk County Historical Association
  • University of Florida Alumni Association

Wikipedia also has an article on Adam Putnam. This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the GFDL.

Articles and resources



  1. 1.0 1.1 Adam Putnam profile, The Washington Post, accessed January 2011.
  2. American Legislative Exchange Council, ALEC Alumni, organizational website, accessed October 1, 2011
  3. Brett Ader, Ag. Commissioner took $61K in contributions from sugar/dairy before seeking to halt ban on sugary drinks in schools, Florida Independent, December 22, 2010
  4. 4.0 4.1 Scott Keyes, Center for American Progress, After Taking Big Sugar Money, Florida Ag. Commissioner Adam Putnam Seeks To Halt Soda Ban In Schools, ThinkProgress blog, December 21, 2010
  5. Roll call vote, Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002.


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