Africa Faith and Justice Network
Africa Faith and Justice Network
"Moved to action by their personal experiences in Africa, three Catholic missionary congregations founded the Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) in 1983 to transform United States mentality and policy towards Africa and her people. Since that time, membership has grown and remains committed in faith to advocate in Washington, DC for U.S. relations with Africa that foster justice and peace, and to educate the public across the United States.
"Inspired by Catholic Social Teaching, AFJN has engaged in policy analysis on issues such as hunger, conflict resolution, international debt, trade and food security. A newsletter was created early on, providing membership with difficult-to-obtain information on Africa in general and on African policy concerns. Periodically, publications were produced to explain the varied aspects of issues affecting Africa’s people." [1]
Accessed August 2008: [2]
- Rocco Puopolo, SX, Executive Director
- Beth Tuckey, Associate Director, Program Development and Policy
- Bahati Ntama Jacques, Policy Analyst
Board of Directors (as of July 2007)
- Robert A. Dowd, CSC, Chair
- Jo'Ann De Quattro, SNJM, Vice Chair
- Clarita Hanson, SHCJ, Sec/Treasurer
- Ann Oestreich, IHM
- Norbert Brockman, SM
- Luigi Zanotto, MCCJ
- Elizabeth Kolmer, ASC
- Lacey Haussamen
- Madeline Therese Wilholt, CSC
- Christopher Promis, CSSp
- Michael Gable, Ph.D.
- Connie Krautkremer, MM
- Trevor Rodrigues
- John Kleiderer
- Joan Marie Doud, MMS
- AFJN Bids Farewell to Phil Reed
- Web: