Anatole Kaletsky

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"Anatole Kaletsky is founder and co-chairman of Gavekal, and a principal contributor to the research service. He is also a columnist for Reuters and the International Herald Tribune and chairman of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, a US$150mn foundation created to reform academic economics after the 2008 crisis. His recent book Capitalism 4.0, on the post-crisis transformation of the global economy, was nominated for the 2011 Samuel Johnson Prize. Before founding Gavekal he worked for 30 years as an economic journalist and commentator on the Financial Times, The Economist and the London Times." [1]

Anatole Kaletsky is chief economist and cochairman of Gavekal Dragonomics. His columns for The Guardian are provided by Project Syndicate. [1]

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  1. Gavekal Anatole Kaletsky, organizational web page, accessed July 1, 2018.