Andy Clements

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Andy Clements, "of Cambridge, was educated at University of Wales obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree (1976) and PhD in Zoology (1980) before lecturing in Zoology and researching birdsong at the University of Sussex.

"He joined the Nature Conservancy Council in 1982 and contributed to field work knowledge on upland birds. During his 20-plus year career with NCC and subsequently English Nature, Andy was a conservation officer in Hertfordshire, Head of Science for the Southern Region and European officer working to implement standard practices to protect nature across Europe.

"He spent four years seconded to the Department of Environment, licensing registered keepers of birds of prey and advising Customs & Excise on the trade in endangered species under the CITES convention.

"Back at English Nature, Andy led its external communications programme and initiated the emphasis on people and wildlife: Reconnecting people with nature. He developed relationships with Lottery Funding which enabled the English Nature/New Opportunities Fund partnership on Wildscape!, a £6m grant scheme delivering community areas for wildlife at the local level.

"As Director, Protected Areas, with overall responsibility for English Nature’s programme of protected areas, Andy led English Nature’s contribution to the Government’s PSA target to achieve favourable condition of 95% of Sites of Special Scientific Interest by area by 2010. He also led the successful defence of Dibden Bay at Public Inquiry.

"After assisting the setting up in early 2006 of Natural England, as Director of Science, Evidence & Policy, Andy undertook freelance strategic environmental consultancy before coming to the BTO as Director in August 2007." [1]

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  1. Andy Clements, British Trust for Ornithology, accessed April 26, 2009.
  2. Committee, Cambridge Conservation Initiative, accessed June 24, 2009.