Barbara Bramble

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Barbara Bramble - "American environmentalist, director of the National Wildlife Federation’s International Program, Washington." [1]

"Barbara J. Bramble heads the International Climate and Energy Program of the National Wildlife Federation. Over two decades at NWF she has led strategic initiatives including: a) an international advocacy coalition of NGOs for environmental reforms at the World Bank and other multi-lateral development banks; and b) negotiations among private industry and civil society to establish voluntary certification systems for sustainable forest products, biofuels and agricultural commodities. Ms. Bramble serves as Chair of the Steering Board of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels, which has established global sustainability standards for biofuels. She helped to organize the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the Rio + 5 Conference in 1997; in the early 2000s she worked with Mexican NGOs to enhance their advocacy and environmental education skills, and chaired the Forest Stewardship Council in the U.S. She serves on the boards of several non-profit organizations in Mexico, Brazil and the U.S. She is an environmental lawyer, and has worked in the Executive Office of the U.S. President, and in private law practice." [2]

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  1. Founding members, Instituto Socioambiental, accessed September 22, 2008.
  2. Advisory Board, Renewable Jet Fuels, accessed December 9, 2011.