Bayanhua Jinshan power station

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Bayanhua Jinshan power station (华电白音华金山发电公司) is a 1,200-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China.

An additional 1,320 MW has been proposed.


The undated satellite photo below shows the power station in Bayanhua Town, West Ujumqin Banner, Xilingol Prefecture.[1]

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Background on Plant

The two existing coal-fired units of Bayanhua Jinshan power station, totaling 1,200 MW, were brought online in 2010. The plant is majority-owned by China Huadian.[2][3]

Description of Expansion

Huadian Group is currently planning to build two additional coal-fired units at this plant, units 3-4, with a total planned capacity of 1,200 MW.[3][4][5] It was planned for operation in 2017.[6][7][8]

2016: Nationwide Restrictions Imposed on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity

Due to new restrictions announced during 2016 by the National Energy Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission, further capacity expansions at this location appear to be on hold or cancelled. For details, see China's 2016 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

Project Details

  • Sponsor: China Huadian (61%), Liaoning Energy Investment Group (30%), Fuxin Mining Industry Group (9%)
  • Location: Bayanhua Town, West Ujumqin Banner, Xilingol Prefecture, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
  • Coordinates: 44.9315393, 118.7082624 (exact)
  • Status: Operating (Units 1-2), Cancelled (Units 3-4)
  • Gross capacity: 2,520 MW (Units 1-2: 600 MW; Unit 3-4: 660MW.)
  • Type: Subcritical (Units 1-2), Ultra-supercritical (Units 3-4)
  • Projected in service: 2010 (Units 1-2)
  • Coal type:
  • Coal source:
  • Source of financing:

Articles and resources


  1. "Baiyinhua Jinshan Pithead Power Station," Wikimapia, accessed November 2014
  2. "白音华金山坑口电厂将于9月中旬投产发电," 内蒙古新闻网, 2010-08-05
  3. 3.0 3.1 "白音华金山坑口电厂", 锡林郭勒盟招商引资网, 2014-05-28
  4. 锡林郭勒盟以科学发展观为指导积极参与东北振兴 实现经济跨越发展"",锡林郭勒盟发展和改革委员会, 2012-05-24
  5. Ailun Yang and Yiyun Cui, "Global Coal Risk Assessment: Data Analysis and Market Research," World Resources Institute working paper, November 2012
  6. "金山股份:平淡经年,重归成长," 国泰君安证券股份有限公司, 2015-06-15
  7. "白音华金山坑口电厂二期工程2×660MW空冷超超临界发电机组项目招标公告," 爽子 发布时间, 2015-08-12
  8. "金山股份:平淡经年,重归成长," 国泰君安证券股份有限公司 研究员, 2015-06-15

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