Besetenheld Power Station

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Besetenheld Power Station on the Besetenheld industrial estate, Wertheim is identified by Power in Europe as being a Sudweststrom project at the "pre-proposal' stage with the installed capacity being listed as "400?" megawatts and being either coal or gas. The newsletter notes that in November 2006 "this and two other unnamed sites" were under consideration by the company. It noted that "If gas supply contracts are uneconomic, coal will be the fuel, the company says. Wertheim, close to the river Main and a high pressure gas line, is only suitable for a 400-MW gas plant, says Südweststrom." The notional commissioning date for the gas-fired option was 2009 and a coal plant 2013-2014. "A coal plant would probably not be built in Südweststrom’s home state of Baden-Württemberg," it noted.[1]

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  1. “PiE’s new power plant project tracker – April 2008”, Power in Europe, Issue 523, April 7, 2008, page 21.

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