Cañaverales Mine

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This article is part of the Global Coal Mine Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy.

Cañaverales Mine is a proposed coal mine in La Guajira, Colombia.[1]


The satellite photo below shows the approximate location of the Cañaverales Mine in San Juan del Cesar, La Guajira, Colombia. The proposed Cañaverales mine is very close to the urban area of ​​the town of Cañaverales, making it the subject of much controversy.[1]

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Initially, the coal mine was proposed by MPX Colombia, a subsidiary of MPX Energia SA which in turn was a subsidiary of the diversified EBX Group.[2][3] The business plan called for 3 open-cast mines, in Cañaverales, Papayal and San Benito as well as an underground mine in San Juan. The plan stated that production would commence in 2012. A third-party surveyor identified 144 million tons of reserves and resources with potential for open-cast mining in the proposed areas.[2]

At this time, Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista was the owner of the project. However, after the Sept. 2016 purchase of the CCX coal mine project from the Brazilian EBX group, Yildirim Holding rebranded the project under the company name "The Best Coal Company."[4]

As of September 2016, the Cañaverales Mine is owned by Yildirim Holding A.S.. The Yildirim Group of Companies 2016 Annual Report stated intentions to make Cañaverales operational by 2018.[4] However, an August 2018 asset report estimated that the mine will begin operations in 2021.[5]

Conflict with The Local Community

In 2011, residents of Cañaverales expressed concern over the proximity of the mine to their town. Exploration work was carried out within a half-mile (800 meters) of the town.[1] According to a local news report, the mine site overlapped with a cemetery and threatened a limited water supply.[6]

Project Details

  • Owner: The Best Coal Company[4]
  • Parent company: Yildirim Holding A.S.[4]
  • Location: Outside of Cañaverales, San Juan del Cesar, La Guajira, Colombia
  • GPS coordinates: 10.7592558,-72.8490768 (exact)
  • Mine status: Proposed
  • Start year: 2021 (predicted)[5]
  • Mineable reserves: 27.4 million tons[2]
  • Coal type:
  • Mine size:
  • Mine type: Surface[2]
  • Production: 2.5 million tons[7]
  • Additional proposed production: The 2010 business plan mentions an expansion of the Northern and Eastern mining limits.[2]
  • Equipment:
  • Number of employees:

Articles and resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Environmental Justice Atlas Cañaverales, La Guajira, Colombia database, updated April 8, 2014, accessed Nov, 4 2019
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 MPX ENERGIA S.A. MPX Releases MPX Colombia's Business Plan With 1.74 Billion in Potential Coal Resources and a 20 Mty Integrated Mining System, March 6, 2010
  3. MPX "MPX Portfolio", MPX website, accessed February 2011.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Yildirim Group of Companies 2017 Goals and Expectations 2016 Annual Report, accessed Nov. 4, 2019
  5. 5.0 5.1 Wood Mackenzie Canaverales coal mine summary of asset report, August 2018
  6. NoticiasUnoColombia Explotación a la biodiversidad Youtube, Oct. 2, 2011
  7. Enrique Saez Translation: The sale of CCX assets in Colombia does not prosper, Original: No prospera la venta de activos de CCX en Colombia minería pan-americana, Oct 6, 2014

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Colombia and coal