Changxing Island desalination power station

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Changxing Island power station (长兴岛热电水联产项目), also known as the Dalian Nishinakajima power station, is a proposed 150-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in Liaoning Province, China.


The map below shows the location of Changxing Island, the approximate location where the plant would be built.

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Background on Plant

Dalian Nishinakajima Energy Limited has proposed a 3 x 50 MW coal power station to support a desalination water plant in Changxing Island.[1]

2016: Nationwide Restrictions Imposed on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity

Due to new restrictions announced during 2016 by the National Energy Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission, further capacity expansions at this location appear to be on hold or cancelled. For details, see China's 2016 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Dalian Nishinakajima Energy Limited
  • Location: Changxing Island, Dalian Prefecture, Liaoning Province, China
  • Coordinates: 39.594, 121.448 (approximate)
  • Status: Cancelled
  • Gross capacity: 150 MW (Units 1-3: 50 MW)
  • Type:
  • Projected in service:
  • Coal type:
  • Coal source:
  • Source of financing:

Articles and resources


  1. "大连西中岛热电水联产工程环境影响报告书信息公告," Changxing Island government, 2014年09月02日

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