Chris Wadell
Chris Wadell "has had a lifelong love affair with the fascinating and beautiful planet that we all live on. He supports a number of animal, conservation and environmental charities and is also a trustee of the Jane Goodall Institute. He has travelled extensively around the world living in Canada, where he was a tree planter and Australia as well as visiting South America, Asia and most frequently Africa, where he has a particular affinity for, as his parents met and lived in Zimbabwe many years ago. Wherever he has travelled he has always aimed to seek out as much about the wildlife and cultures and natural history and will never tire of the buzz of discovering a new country.
"He is a firm believer that in order for the human race to continue we must strive to protect and work with the environment as we are all inextricably linked to it and everything that shares this world of ours. Education is core to this and making the next generation, wherever they live in the first or third world, aware of our impact and how we can live more sustainably and considerately will hopefully secure the future for ourselves and all other species. Something that is required more than ever in these uncertain times.
"Chris lives in central London and works in the Private Banking sector looking after Entrepreneurs, which he finds a fascinating area." [1]
- Trustee, Oliver Foundation