Clair Ridge

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Clair Ridge is a linked pair of drilling platforms located in the North Sea, scheduled to start in 2018. It was ranked as one of "10 Major Oil and Gas Projects to Watch in 2018."[1]

Reserves and CO2 Emissions

Expected to produce 120,000 barrels of oil per day.<ref name=Bax>

Strategic Significance

Cost: 4.5 billion pounds sterling (US$5.8 billion).[1]

Companies Involved

Potential ESG Risks


Labour Rights

Indigenous Rights

NGO's Involved

Local Opposition

Status of Project


Domestic Political Situation

Project Economics

Tax Revenues

International Dynamics


Articles and resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 Jan-Hein Bax, "10 Major Oil & Gas Projects to Watch in 2018," EngineeringPro, 8/1/18

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