Coal Issues Calendar

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This article is part of the Coal Issues portal on SourceWatch, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy. See here for help on adding material to CoalSwarm.


January 2011

South African Coal Exports Conference 2010: Cape Town, South Africa

January 27-28, 2011

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Renewable Energy Finance & Infrastructure Summit: Vienna, Austria

January 27-29, 2011

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National Coal Ash Day of Action

January 28, 2011

  • Day of action to call for strong regulations of toxic coal ash

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8th Annual Coal Markets 2011: Singapore

January 28-29, 2011

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10th Anniversary Coaltrans Americas: Miami, FL

January 28-29, 2011

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February 2011

Offshore Wind Power: Philadelphia, PA

February 2-3, 2011

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Platts 4th Annual Central and Eastern European Power: Prague, Czech Republic

February 2-3, 2011

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Platts 4th Annual European Carbon Capture and Storage: London, UK

February 23-24, 2011

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Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo: Austin, TX

February 23-25, 2011

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March 2011

9th Coaltrans India: Mumbai, India

March 9-10, 2011

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TVA-Kingston Fly Ash Release and Environmental Research Symposium: Harriman, TN

March 11-12, 2011

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Platts 18th Annual Coal Properties & Investment: Ft. Lauderdale, FL

March 15-16, 2011

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Coal Conference of the Americas: Cartagena, Colombia

March 16-18, 2011

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GLOBE 2010: Vancouver

March 24-26, 2011

  • Conference and trade show for senior representatives from public, private, and NGO sectors involved in the business of the environment

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April 2011

Platts 25th Annual Global Power Markets: Las Vegas, NV

April 11-13, 2011

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8th Coaltrans China: Beijing, China

April 12-13, 2011

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Coal Prep 2011: Lexington, KY

April 26-29, 2011

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May 2011

Dominion Analyst Meeting: New York, New York

"May 7, 2011"

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European Coal Outlook Conference: Nice, France

May 17-19, 2011

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SOLAR 2010: Phoenix, AZ

May 17-22, 2011

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Dominion Annual Shareholders Meeting: Location TBA

"May 18, 2011"

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12th Annual Electric Power Conference & Exhibition: Baltimore, MD

May 18-20, 2011

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WINDPOWER 2011 Conference & Exposition: Dallas, TX

May 23-26, 2011

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16th Coaltrans Asia: Bali, Indonesia

May 30-June 2, 2011

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June 2011

Coal Tech 2011: Bribane, Australia

June 1-2, 2011

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35th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems: Clearwater, FL

June 6-10, 2011

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August 2011

Webinars on Coal Combustion Residuals Proposed EPA Rule: EPA Website

August 5 & 12, 2011

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COAL-GEN 2011: Pittsburgh, PA

August 10-12, 2011

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Community Leaders Training Weekend: Charleston, WV

August 13-15, 2011

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September 2011

Appalachia Rising- Mobilization to End Mountaintop Removal: Washington DC

September 25-27, 2011 Read more about this event...

VIII Intersectorial Mining Congress- Mining and Environment: Cartagena, Colombia

September 21-23, 2011 Read more about this event...

October 2011

Southeast Student Renewable Energy Conference: Athens, GA

October 1-3, 2011

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National Summit of Mining Communities: Elko, NV

October 4-7, 2011

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8th European Coal Conference: Darmstadt, Germany

October 10-13, 2011

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International Pittsburgh Coal Conference: Istanbul, Turkey

October 11-14, 2011

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