Collum Coal Mine

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This article is part of the Coal Issues portal on SourceWatch, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy. See here for help on adding material to CoalSwarm.

Collum Coal Mine is a coal mine in the southern town of Sinazongwe in Zambia which has been reported as producing 100,000 tonnes of coal a year. The mine is owned by Collum Coal Mining Industries, which is reportedly "a private firm run by Chinese investors from Jiangxi province" in China.[1]

Managers fire at workers

Twelve workers were injured on October 15, 2010, when mainly Chinese managers fired randomly at workers protesting poor working conditions. On October 17, Zambian police said the managers who shot at the workers will be charged with attempted murder. Zambian Inspector General of police Francis Kabonde told journalists: "A warn and caution statement has already been recorded and what should be realised is that there is no one above the law, as it had been portrayed by some people." The incident has raised a political storm, with opposition leader Michael Sata of the Patriotic Front accusing the Chinese in the country of being untouchable because they are funding the ruling party ahead of next year's elections: "What do you expect the government to do with the Chinese? They are their friends and they constantly fund them." Investment from China has been on the rise Zambia, with several copper and coal mines bought by Chinese firms.[2]

Scuffle kills Chinese manager

In August 2012 Zambian miners killed a Chinese manager during a protest. The miners were protesting a delay in wage increases. Another Chinese was also injured during the scuffle.[3] On August 7, 2012 police charged a Zambia coal miner with murder in connection with the killing of a Chinese supervisor during a protest.[4]

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