"DigiActive is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to helping grassroots activists around the world use the Internet and mobile phones to increase their impact. Our goal is a world of activists made more powerful and more effective through the use of digital technology...
"This site is financially independent. We have no donors, and are not funded by any government or interest group. We keep our costs low – really low – by relying on 100% volunteer effort, and we pay most of our costs out of our own pocket. (Approximate costs in 2007 were $150, paid entirely by the founders). We will continue to keep our costs low so we can retain this independence and listen only to our own community members when deciding what actions to take in promoting digital activism around the world. " [1]
Accessed February 2011: [2]
- Mary Joyce, co-founder
- amine, co-founder
- Patrick Meier, director of applied research
- Talia Whyte, editor & global correspondent
- Dan Schultz, lead researcher
- Hamid Tehrani, iran correspondent
- Simon Columbus, global correspondent
- zuola, china correspondent
- mike, chinese translator & correspondent liaison
- Tamara Palamakumbura, africa correspondent
- Kate Brodock, global correspondent
- Lynn Casper, global correspondent
- Jorge Jorquera, chile correspondent
- pavel, russia correspondent
URL: [http://www.digiactive.org