Fortune Minerals

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Fortune Minerals is a natural resource company based in Canada. The company's primary assets are a NICO cobalt-gold-bismuth deposit near Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories and anthracite coal deposits at Mount Klappan in British Columbia. Both projects are under construction.

Mount Klappan

Fortune Mineral's Mount Klappan project was purchased in 2002 from a Canadian subsidiary of ConocoPhillips. It consists of four coal deposits at Mount Klappan (Lost Fox, Hobbit-Broatch, Sumitt, and Nass) that contain nearly 2 billion tonnes of anthracite coal.[1] Fortune is studying the use of a buried slurry pipeline to transport the coal rather than rail and truck.

Direct Action against Mount Klappan mine

July 16, 2005: First Nations Mount Klappan mine blockade

On July 16, 2005, representatives of three British Columbia First Nations tribes - the Telegraph Elders, the Tl’abânot’în Clan, and the Iskut First Nations - blockaded a road leading to the Mount Klappan coalfields. Tl’abânot’în tribe members had notified Fortune Minerals that their mine infringed upon Tl’abânot’în Aboriginal Title and Rights, as the company had failed to consult adequately with the tribe and had ignored the tribe's appeals. The blockade was maintained for seven weeks.[2][3][4]


  • Robin Goad, President, CEO & Director
  • Adam Jean, H.B.A., Controller
  • Julian Kemp, Vice President Finance & C.F.O

Contact details

Fortune Minerals
140 Fullarton St., Suite 1902
London, Ontario N6A 5P2
Tel: (519) 858-8188



  1. Fortune Minerals Mount Klappan site, accessed January 2009.
  2. Mine Road Blockade Rooted in Tahitan Dispute, Toronto Globe & Mail, September 7, 2005.
  3. Fortune Minerals Blocked From Entering the Mount Klappan Coal Fields, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty website, July 28, 2005.
  4. Struggles of the Tahtlan Nation, Canadian Dimension, December 2005.

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