Guangdong Huizhou Pinghai power station

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Guangdong Huizhou Pinghai power station (粤电广东惠州平海发电厂) is a 2,000-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in Guangdong Province, China.


The map below shows the location of the plant, in Pinghai Town, Huidong District, Huizhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province.

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Background on Plant

The two existing coal-fired units of Guangdong Huizhou Pinghai power station, totaling 2,000 MW, were brought online in 2010 and 2011. The plant is owned by Guangdong Yudean Group.[1][2]

Description of Expansion

Guangdong Huizhou Pinghai power station is designed for a capacity of 6*1000MW. After the first phase 2000MW went operation, Guangdong Yudean Group was planning to build two additional coal-fired units at this plant, with a total planned capacity of 2,000 MW.[3]

However, there appear to be no developments on the new units since 2012, and they are likely abandoned.

2016: Nationwide Restrictions Imposed on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity

Due to new restrictions announced during 2016 by the National Energy Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission, further capacity expansions at this location appear to be on hold or cancelled. For details, see China's 2016 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

Fuel Source

The power station receives coal from the nearby Pinghai Electricity Plant Integrated Coal Terminal at Huizhou Port.[4][5]

CDM Controversy

Project developers applied for the station to be covered under the UN's Clean Development Mechanism. The project was to install and operate two ultra-supercritical coal-fired power generation units with the total capacity of 2×1000MW, to generate and sell electricity to the South China Power Grid (SCPG), which covers Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, and Guizhou Provinces.[6]

The Sierra Club and other groups opposed the station's inclusion under the CDM, arguing that the project was already completed: Unit 1 of the project has been operational since October 2010,1 and Unit 2 was brought online in July 2011: "The fact that the project sponsors fully financed and completed the project in advance of CDM validation or registration proofs that the project developers did not need CDM support to move forward using ultra-supercritical technology."[7]

In late February 2012, the CDM executive board refused to register the Guangdong Pinghai project in China, which means that it will not be eligible for CDM support.

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Guangdong Electric Power Development Co (45%), Guangdong Huaxia Power Development Co (40%)
  • Parent company: Guangdong Yudean Group, Guangdong Pearl River Investment Co.
  • Location: Pinghai Town (Pinghaizhen), Huidong District, Huizhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province, China
  • Coordinates: 22.6064638, 114.741919 (exact)
  • Status: Operating
  • Gross capacity: 2,000 MW (Units 1-2: 1,000 MW)
  • Type: Ultra-Supercritical
  • Projected in service: 2010 (Unit 1), 2011 (Unit 2)
  • Coal type:
  • Coal source:
  • Source of financing:

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